A new App which warns about Earthquake 1 minute Earlier

1455479934363Several countries all over the world, including India have been affected by earthquakes.



Once the people feel the impact of earthquake, they immediately go out of their office/premises and go out. However, during this rush some of them get trapped in earthquake debris and cannot manage to come out.



In order to avoid this possibility, a new App has been made in USA which warns 1 minute before the earthquake occurs.


The App is named ‘My Shake’. Once we install this App in our smart phones; we can also manage to escape from earthquakes.


A joint team of researchers for Berekeley earthquake centre and Dudes Telecom company has developed this new App.


Drawing minimum power from a small battery and operating in the background of the smart phone, this App continuously monitors the vibrations in the area.


If any abnormal vibrations are detected, the motion sensor fitted in the smart phone registers it and sends a message to Berkeley Earthquake Centre with details of the magnitude of the vibration, time, and the place.


The vibration data will be analysed the Berkeley Earthquake Laboratory and if it is detection about an earthquake, the centre will sms details to the cell phone. One minute before the earthquake occurs and 4 minutes after it occurs, the message will be sent for a total 5 minutes.


So, with this warning, we can escape from the disaster. This App will save large number of lives from disaster.


Dudes Telecom informed In countries which suffer from frequent earthquakes like Nepal &Peru, there are very few Earthquake Warning systems/centres. However, these countries have plenty of smart phone users. The main purpose of this App is to create a network of exchange of information about the earthquake.


This App will function when the smart phone is charged and Wi-Fi is linked. Efforts are under way to further improve the performance & features of this App.


This App ‘My shake’ is set to be presented in the World Cell Phone Conference scheduled on 22nd February at Barcelona.


This App can be downloaded from Google Play Store. This App is also available for iPhone.


With the trend of so many Apps wasting the precious time of the users, this App is totally different and proves to be Life-saver indeed.

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