E-retail giant Snapdeal offers 20% increase in salary to employees

download (2)One of the leading e-commerce trading companies, Snapdeal has give 20% increase in salary for the best performing employees. For some employees, Snapdeal offers its shares as well.




Snapdeal has announced the increase in salary would come into effect from 1st April.


The company’s Vice-President for Human Resources and Employees’Welfare, Mr. Saurab Nigam, informs that the performance of the employees is being reviewed every 3 months. Based on this assessment, the employees who performed excellently in several attributes will be given a minimum increase in salary of 20%.


A decision has been taken to give company’s shares to some of the outstanding employees. The details regarding number of shares to be given, etc is being finalised


Mr. Saurab Nigam, HR Vice-president, Snapdeal told that such measures of appreciation for good performance from employees help companies retain the efficient employees.



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