Tomorrow (31st March) is the last date for filing Income Tax returns

downloadTomorrow, 31st March, Thursday is the last date for filing Income Tax returns. It is gathered that the Income Tax department has planned to take strict action on those failing to file Income Tax returns before this deadline.




The income tax retunrs for the Financial Years 2013-14 and 2014-15 must be filed before tomorrow (31st March).


An IT official informed that the IT office has sent individual personal letters to over 4 Lakh persons reminding them to file the Income Tax returns before the deadline. However, many of these tax-payers have not responded. It is understood that only a very small number of people have filed their IT returns.


Hence, the people who are under taxable bracket must file their Income


Tax returns before 31st march. Otherwise, penalty will be imposed apart from stringent legal actions. So, it is advisable to file the IT returns on time in order to avoid unnecessary mental tension apart from needless legal entanglement.


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