Tamil Nadu Governor K. Rosaiah, while releasingInfini , a Tamil fortnightly magazine published by the Infinitheism Spiritual Foundation at the VIT Universiy campus here on Tuesday, has called upon the media to shift its focus to rebuilding lost values.
“In this ever changing, fast moving, modern world today, while we enjoy the benefits of all the materialistic and technological growth, there is a visible decline in the moral values in the society. The fabric of society is held together by the standards of morality that we maintain and practice. The real asset of a nation is not its natural resources, but people with right values. It is futile to think of economic reforms and progress without regaining our link with our lost values”, he said. The Governor said that the quality of thoughts determine the quality of mind, which in turn determines the quality of a man. The mind of each man is the man himself. What we are is because of what has gone into our mind. What we will be will depend on what goes into our mind.
“To a great extent what goes into the mind of a common man depends on what the media — internet, TV, newspapers, magazine — is feeding him with. The role of a responsible media goes a long way in creating a morally right society”, he said.
Mr. Rosaiah said that sowing the seeds of morality, humility and nurturing the spirit of nobility should be done right from childhood. Education imparted should develop both skills and ethics. He said that the commitment of Infinitheism Spiritual Foundation to infuse value-based living in the minds of children and adults in the society through its courses and publications deserve appreciation. “I congratulate Mahatria Ra, the diviner of the path of ‘infinitheism’ for the commendable work done to humanise the society and the people across the world”, he said.
The Governor distributed prizes to D. Malarkodi (Government Higher Secondary School, Brammapuram), M. Vijayakumar (Saraswathi Vidyalaya, Gudiyatham) and Rupasri (Government Girls HSS, Katpadi) who won the first, second and third prizes respectively in the competition conducted by Infinitheism Spiritual Foundation in connection with the release of the magazine.
G. Viswanathan, VIT Chancellor who presided said that foreigners used to say that India is rich (in natural resources), but the Indians are poor.
The problems faced by India which make the people poor could be solved if the government implements the suggestion of late K.L. Rao, former Minister for Irrigation to link all the rivers of India, or at least the rivers of south India. “Our country should manufacture planes and defence equipment, utilising our natural resources, and mine coal instead of exporting our raw materials and importing the finished goods,” he said.
A.S. Gopal, Director, Infinitheism Spiritual Foundation said that Mahatria Ra decided to start a magazine in Tamil because of his conviction that the message would reach the children’s souls only when it was in the mother tongue. K. Jawarilal Jain, Chairman, Ambalal Groups said that Mahatria Ra advocated ‘infinitheism’ which is defined by consistently directed self-motivated efforts to achieve one’s spiritual and developmental goals. Paraman Pachaimuthu, Trainer, Infinitheism welcomed the gathering.
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