Asian Games: India 3rd medal

In 17th Asian game  Inciyan in South Korea has been held in the city. Start the day with a gold for India yesterday, got a bronze. The shooter got two medals at the same competition.

 In 50 meter pistol indian player in gold medal for jeet ray then 10 meter pistol round women for swetha is bronze. 2-to 3-second medal for India today got stale. In shooting for gun  10 meter.India got the bronze medal in the category erpistal teams. Jeet Roy  camares Jung, Prakash Nanjappa 1743 points comprising the Indian team won the bronze medal. This is the 2-to jituray medal. In India narrowly missed the silver medal. Gold medal for South Korea, China got the silver medal. India qualified for the final 10 meters erpistal jituray 2-player version was expected to seal the gold medal. But he took the 5th place. Everyone was disappointing. Badminton, squash medal in the Indian team have already been confirmed.


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