Village residents demand solution for drinking water problems near natrampalli!

veeramaniThe village residents in the area of Natrampalli demanded immediate solution to the drinking water problems faced by them. They appealed to the State Government Minister, Mr. K. Veeramani.

The state Minister for School Education, Mr. K. Veeramani, was inaugurating the opening of the Anganwadi Building at Kalnarsampatti Village administration, Vinayakapuramon Sunday, 28th December. The Anganwadi was built under the cost of Rs. 4 Lakhs utilising the Legislative Constituency Development Fund.

Senior local officials participated.

Suddenly, a crowd of 700 people from Vinayakapuram & Kaliamman areas approached the minister. They explained the hardships faced due to non-availability of drinking water.

They pressed the minister to take immediate corrective action.

The minister promised action on a  new deep bore-well to be drilled and the repair of the existing motor.

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