3-wheeler chairs & wheeled chairs distributed for differently-abled people!

SmlImg1566136238semi-model-double-hand50 differently-abled residents of the area under the Vellore Dam Union administration were given 3-wheeler chairs and wheeled chairs.

Tamil Nadu State Village Life Support Centre and ORT service centre jointly organised a survey camps to find the need os differently-abled residents in 38 Panchayats under the domain of Vellore Dam Union administration.

A list of deserving cases was prepared and arrangements were made to distribute free 3-wheelers and wheeled-chairs from the Vellore Dam Assembly Constituency Development Funds.

A function was organised yesterday (26th January) when these were distributed.

The director of ORT Service Centre, Mr. Manian, was the chief guest.

All senior village administration officials participated in the function.

20 persons were given 3-wheeler chairs. 30 were given wheeled-chairs.

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