Radish Greens!

radish1Radish, its leaves, stems, seeds and all has medical nature.


* Calcium, mineral salts such as phosphorus, vitamin A, B, C etc., which are plentiful.

* In the area of ​​Tuber than six times the vitamin C ‘is the greens.

* About 28 calories in 100 grams of spinach available.

* 90 percent of the lactose content, has fiber of 0.7 percent.

* Protein, calcium and iron, which contains.

Benefits: Radish without cook, thin pieces of spinach eaten raw as a salad.

* Radish Beet its greens as gastrointestinal disorders, kidney diseases, jaundice will be cured.

* Best medicine for Diabetics

* The lettuce has healing constipation.

* Radish spinach along with diet to consume regularly improves eyesight. Vitamin deficiencies


* Radish lettuce teaspoonful of the juice of 5 or 6, if drinking kidney stones within 3 weeks can be melt. Although bladder inflammation healed.

* Urine exactly those estranged vekavaittuc eats with a spoon spinach barley radish

Extensive flooding dividing urine remover.

* The size of a fist Radish spinach boiled in half a spoon of salt, followed by three days of morning, evening

Sealing water will come off trouble.

* Constipation sufferers, Take 1 teaspoon 3 Radish juice depending upon climate to consume is good for health.

Good progress will be visible.

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