Looking with rain: 50 villages were plunged into darkness in Ambur!


Since yesterday morning,so much of heat produced by sun. Many homes were paralyzed by the heat and the thermal wind.

Meanwhile, at 4 pm yesterday, the impact of a sudden decline in the sun surrounded by dark clouds. Ambur and its surrounding areas, thus plunged into darkness.

Hurricane winds began to rain. The branches were broken. The storm flooded roads. In most places, broken electric wires fell off the electricity.

Housing for people paralyzed by the rain lasted until 8 pm. Due to heavy rains in Ambur, electricity supplies were stopped.

Thus Vinnamangalam, Kannadikuppam, Ayyanur, Alankuppam, Naccarakuppam, Poyyankuppam, Marappattu, more than 50 villages surrounding, the electricity were stopped.

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