Another Earth likely located 14 Light years Away

the-earth-like-planet-kepler-452b-is-situated-14-million-light-years-away-from-our-home-planetScientists informed that they have located another earth-like planet, fit for humans living, 14 light years away.



One light year is the distance travelled bylight in year. This works to be approximately 10 lakhs km.

This research report was done by the scientists from New South Wales University of Australia.


Mr. Duncan Wright, who headed the research team, explained that the team had taken up the research about planets fit for human life. They located prospects of such 3 planets recently.


These 3 planets orbit around the star (a sun) named ‘Wolf 1061’.


The surface of these planets may be very hard like rocks.


Out of the 3 planets, the planet in the centre resembles earth more than the other 2.


This centre planet has been named ‘Wolf 1061C’. The planet is 4 times larger than earth. Liquid water may be available in the planet. There is enough scope to believe that living organisms can exist here.


The planer Wolf 1061C is located  14 light years away from Earth.


Scientists have found planets similar to Earth fit for human living earlier also. However, they are located even further away – twice the distance – from ‘Wolf 1061C’.

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