Ban on Instant Noodles ‘Maggi’ Removed

f34a5c33f0f543e2edd2The state governments of Gujarat & Karnataka removed the ban imposed on sales of Maggi noodles. Maggi noodles, a product of the company ‘Nestle’, have now completed all the 3 new laboratory tests successfully.

Earlier, Mumbai High Court imposed the ban on sales of Maggi after the finding that it contained lead which was more than the permitted limits. Following the state governments of Gujarat & Karnataka banned sales of Maggi.

After the successful completion of 3 laboratory tests on Maggi, it was reported to and submitted to the Mumbai High Court. 90 samples were tested. 6 different products of Nestle were subjected to these tests. It was established that the content of led was less than the permitted limits as per the repost submitted by Nestle to Mumbai High Court.

Another reason for the ban on Maggi was non-availability of clear data regarding the ingredient MSG, ‘Mono Sodium Glutamate’. Now, Karnataka Minister U D Kadar informed that the ban on Maggi has been removed.

Gujarat FDCA (Food and Drug Control Academy) commissioner Mr. H G Goshia announced that the ban on Maggi is removed.

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