Camp on 21st for National Cadet Corps!

nationComing 21st, a training camp for National Cadet Corps will be held in Gudiyattam.

The 10 th Battalion of the press release issued by the Public Relations Officer K.Raja: Gudiyatham Rajagopal Polytechnic College, the annual training camp starts from  21-th to 30-th. Archives “or” 10-th Battalion – 29 schools, 7 colleges and 550 from the National Student military force attended.

The sniper, military map tracking, Republic Day camp and participate in competitions, the students chose to camp up taraivalippatai, national integration awareness competitions, the students participating in sports at the national level selection, the physical skill competitions, Quiz, including health awareness seminars will be functioned.

Battalion Subedar Major P.S.Ravat, Subedar Rakesh singh, including Battalion Aviltar Yuvraj, all planned for  exercises and contests.

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