Computer Users!! Read this & protect your eyes!!

o-COMPUTER-EYE-STRAIN-RELIEF-facebookGood care of the eyes are important for their good health. People who spend continuous long hours on the computer cannot escape from this very important information.

The strain of the long hours spent on the computer will affect the eyes. There are many reasons for this. Sitting very close to the monitor, radiation from the external light falling on the screen, hazy, unreadable letters on the screen, looking at the screen in a wrong angular position, etc are the reasons.
We do not recommend that you should stop working on the computer. It is better to take good care of the eyes as below:
Take small breaks. Eyes tend to get dry while keeping looking at the screen. Small breaks will help on this front.
Rub your palms and rest them on your eyes. Rub your palms; when they get warm, keep them on your eyes for 60 seconds. This will give good relief for the eyes. This can be repeated 2-3 times.
Adjusting the distance – keeping the right distance between the eyes and the screen is very essential.
Follow 20-20-20 rule – Keep your eyes off the computer every 20 minutes – focus them on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Avoiding glares – Ensure proper lighting at your workstation. Ensure that external light from the windows, etc do not fall direct on the computer screen to avoid the glare.
Reduce the intensity of light – Ensure that proper lighting with the right intensity in your workstation. High intensity of light will strain the eyes.

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