Only Education has the quality to uplift mankind!

eduThe 45th Convocation of Vellore Muthurangam Arts college was conducted on Thursday, 16th April. 194 post-graduates, 538 graduates, and 39 researchers were conferred degrees.

Director of the Regional Educational College, Mr. Jayaraj, conferred the degrees and spoke to the gathering. He emphasised that only education is the quality tthat can uplift the mankind.

Young graduates must consider about their parents and teachers. They have to constantly remind themselves that they are the reasons for the graduation.

Education is the only factor that can develop mankind. Having had access to this education, you should make further efforts to develop you knowledge.

College admission was 21% during the year 2012-13 in Tamil Nadu. Now, this has increased to 41%!

Tamil Nadu is the leader in this growth of admission to higher education.

Toady, research, technology, Economics, and Agriculture are well developed fields of knowledge. With the application of the latest technology. The country can see a new growth. The role played by younger generation is instrumental in this effort.

College Principal, Me. Mohammad Ibrahim, presided over the function. Senior Academicians all participated.

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