The All India SC/ST LIC Employees’ Union has pleaded that the vacancies in Group – 3 &4 in LIC which have not been filled over a long period has to be expedited.
The 15th Southern Region Conference of this Union was conducted on Sunday, 14th June in Trichy and a resolution regarding the above issue was passed.
Other resolutions passed in the meeting:
ü As per the High Court Order, implement the reservation quota in Grade-1 as well. The wage revision due from 2012 should be paid immediately on an unconditional basis.
ü The existing rules for the Development Officers in practice from 2009 should be revised. The ratio considered for state-wise induction of employees should be followed while considering promotions as well.
Regional President of the Union, Mr. A Mohandas, presided. The secretaries, Mr. G. Krishnamurthy and Mr. Venugopal, organised.
MLA Trichy N. Siva inaugurated the conference and delivered the special address.
All India Secretaries of the Union, Mr. R. Nagarajan and Mr. R. Veeramani also delivered special addresses.
In the session conducted during the evening, the General Secretary of the Union, Mr. E. Anbuselvam, presented the job notifications and finance statements.
LIC employees from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Puducherry participated in the conference.
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