Farewell function after retirement for Thiruvalluvar University Vice-chancellor!

thiruvalluvar-university1A farewell function after retirement was organized for Thhiruvalluvar University Vice-chancellor Mr. Gunasekaran on behalf of the University development Council.

The function was organized at Vellore TKM Colleg. University Development Council Chairman Mr. Munirathinam presided.

University registrar Mr. Jayakumar, Examination Control Board Officer Mr. Asokan, and College Secretaries Mr. Maninathan & Mr. Nasser Mohammad Sahib felicitated the retiring Vice-chancellor Mr. Gunasekaran.

College principals, Mr. Shahabudin, Mr. Mohammad Yousuf, & Muthuvel, and the secretaries & principals of 60 colleges participated on the occasion.

At the end, Treasurer Mr. Snthilkumar proposed vote of thanks.

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