Central government has been organising various activities in full swing to celebrate ‘International Yoga Day’ on 21st June. The celebration of International Yoga Day was approved in the UN as proposed by Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi with the support of 177 countries.
Daily practising of Yoga, Pranayam and deep inhalation/exhalation of breath is the main reason for our Prime Minister’s tireless and active life.
The Prime Minister had included in his election manifesto that ‘Yoga & Ayurveda are two treasures contributed by the great Indian Culture to the world. We will make all efforts to develop yoga and Ayurveda which is also known as Aayush, nature cure, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy among the public’.
He appointed an exclusive minister in his cabinet for this portfolio.
Minister Mr. Sripadyaschonayak, known as ‘Aayush’ minister, is striving to make all arrangements to celebrate the coming International Yoga Day in a grand manner.
A Yoga camp is being organised between 7.00 AM & 7.30 Am on 21stJune at the Royal Path leading up to India gate in front of the Rashtrapathi Bhavan. Prime Minister, leaders of all political parties, eminent sportspersons and film actors among 45 to 50 thousand persons will be participating.
Arrangements are being made for the participants to do 15 Aasanas and meditate for 5 minutes.
Though it falls on Sunday, all educational institutions and government offices and state governments have been instructed to organise Yoga camps.
Indian Embassies are also preparing to celebrate this day to demonstrate that India is the origin of Yoga!
As ordered by he Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, all school students in Tamil Nadu have Yoga classes once a week and this is practice. Hence, it can be mentioned that Tamil Nadu CM has been a pioneer in this front.
However, the efforts to popularise Yoga have met with adverse criticism on a religious front.
However, Yoga has nothing to do with religion.
Yoga paves the way for healthy body, content heart, and a peaceful & happy life. The word Yoga originates from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj”.
The meaning of the word translates ‘to check & control of scattered and wasted energy’.
This enables to link the mind, body, and the soul as a form of living. It belongs to all Indians.
If it belongs to a particular religion, a noted atheist and eminent political leader would not practise Yoga for the past several years. Will it be so popular in US & China?
Hence, all Indians should consider Yoga as a Science and support the government’s initiative to popularise the same.
Central government has announced that the programme of ‘Surya namsakaram’ has been dropped as objections were raised by the minority communities.
Even then, if there are objections, it need not be made compulsory and can best be left to individual option!
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