The lock down in India and TN has been extended till 3rd May 2020 is well known to us. This has been was done to prevent the spread of Corona virus.
It must be noted that essential items selling vegetable shops, grocery shops, meat shops and petrol bunks etc have been allowed to operate for specific time limit. Medical shops have been allowed to be open as usual in this situation.
Truth is crowds gather at these medical shops to buy diabetes and BP medicines and violate social distancing. This is not acceptable now.
In this scenario, the medical shops that have got facility for home delivery of medicines are given importance now and a list has been prepared.
A report about the medical shops with door delivery facility was required to be sent to the director of pharmaceuticals office. An order regarding this was issued to assistant director of department of pharmaceuticals.
It is now brought out that in districts like Vellore, Ranipet and Thirupathur there are 207 medical shops having home delivery facility. The officials have mentioned that steps are being taken to issue medicines at the doorsteps of those who are suffering from health issues like BP, diabetes etc. Steps are taken to supply medicines to those who are above 50 years.
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