Petrol costs more than aviation fuel (ATF)!

An employee fills an iconic yellow ambassador taxi with diesel at a fuel station in KolkataPetrol prices have suffered a steep fall to the total of Rs. 17.11, 10 times in the last 6 months.Even then, petrol costs more than the aviation fuel!

Following the price reduction announced yesterday, petrol costs Rs. 58.88 per litre.

Aviation fuel (ATF) costs Rs. 57.46 per litre!

ATF is better in quality than petrol.

Earlier, petrol used to cost lea then ATF. However since the production (manufacture) taxes were revised upwards, the price of petrol went up.

Even after all these announcements of price reductions, oil corporations earn a profit of Rs.  4/- per litre for petrol sale and Rs. 3.60 per litre of diesel sale.

Experts from various sectors demand that the production tax should be reduced and the prices of petrol & diesel should be further reduced to facilitate the customers to enjoy the benefits of this trend!

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