Railway Minister Mallikarjun Kharge Likely To Announce More Trains, New Lines In Interim Rail Budget

MINISTER_FOR_RAILW_1752987fRailways are facing stringent revenue shortfall. Railway Minister Mallikarjun Kharge is not likely to bring about reduction in basic passenger fares in the interim budget on Wednesday. But, he is likely to make adjustment in fuel adjustment component so that impact on fares is minimum in an election year.
The minister is likely to announce more trains, new lines and better passenger amenities in the interim budget. It is expected to be a growth-oriented budget. It is not a deficit one despite fall in earnings.
Freight and passenger earnings have shown a decline during the April-December 2013 period. There may not be a fare cut in passenger segment. However, Kharge is likely to announce measures for better amenities and safety for passengers while at the same time undertaking steps to improve the fiscal position.
The announcement of running 20 premier trains on dynamic fares as a step to arrest the fall in passenger revenue is likely to be made.
The budget is also likely to make some adjustment in FAC. It will also focus on electrification of more routes so that dependence on diesel is less.More routes for electrification will be taken up.
Kharge will talk about the progress and development work undertaken by the national transporter in the last ten years.
Kharge will mention the speedy work on dedicated freight corridor and work sanction on the 66 km long Mughalsarai and Sonnagar link. .
Kharge has categorically asked officials to undertake all possible steps to arrest the further fall in earnings in the recent General Managers meeting. He is expected to focus on more passenger-friendly measures like installation of upgraded real-time train information system at stations and operation of automatic ticket vending machines at many stations.

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