Record amount of Loans given by banks in 2014-15 in Vellore District

During the meeting of bank performance analysis conducted in the Collector’s office on Tuesday (23rd December), it was informed that the banks had extended a record amount of loan – Rs. 2,734 Crores – during this financial year 2014-15.

 A detailed analysis was conducted on the various types of loans given.

  • Loans of Rs. 1753.19 Crores have been given on the agricultural front.
  • Loans of Rs. 119.74 Crores have been given for non-farm related front.
  • Loans of Rs. 861.10 Crores have been given on the pre-cursory front.

Indian Bank awarded cash prizes of Rs. 5000 for 22 students who got the first 3places in the 10th Standards examination.

Cheques were given to 6 students who got the first 3 places in the +2 examinations.

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