Somalapuram (Power) substation opened!

powerA 110 kV substation built at a cost of Rs. 8.21 Crores at Somalapuram near Ambur was inaugurated on Wednesday, 18th March.

Efforts were undertaken during 2013 to build the 110 kV substation in an area covering 2.5 acres under the Expedited Electricity Improvement Plan of TANGEDCO.

The project began in 2014 and is completed now.

.All the local EB senior officials participated.

The new substation has been built with due consideration for the future requirements. Ambur substations supplies electric power to 32600 consumers.

4 feeders of 11 kW have been installed in Somalapuram substation. Areas including M C Road, Kadarpettai, Vasanthimanai, Jalalpettai, A-Kasbha, B-Kasbah, local industries will get regular supply for commercial, agriculture and domestic uses.

Under the electr4ic power improvement scheme, Ambur will get Rs. 10 Crore worth of equipment including 297 transformers, 11 branches of low & high voltage distribution, replacement old cables, etc, 900 Aerial boxes for better maintenance.

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