Some Important Aspects to be Noted for the Students of 10th & 12 th Standards

CBSE-10th-12th-Class-Datesheet-DownloadThe schedule of time-table for the examinations for 10th & 12th Standards examinations has already been released.




With only a few days left for the the annual/public examinations, the students have started preparing for the same in full swing.


Here are some interesting and valuable points for the students preparing for the examination to help planning the preparation for the final examinations and also to avoid stress.


  • Self-confidence is essential: Please do not underestimate yourself about your own merits and skills. Try to just implant the thought that you are born in this world to achieve something special.
  • Set a goal: Dream about passing the examinations in flying colours with super-high scores and entering your own favourite course to pursue. Keep this as your personal goal. Take up this challenge with positive thoughts and approach!
  • Make a plan & time-schedule: Make a time-table of the subjects to be studied each day. Decide the number of hours to be allotted to each subject. Follow this plan strictly.
  • Be natural:Though it is true that there is a lot to be studied and done, do not build a mental tension about it. Try to study as best as you can. Take a break after studying for a fixed numbr of hours.
  • Rest & refreshing: Allot at least a minimum of 6 hours for good sleep. Whe you get up in the morning, take a stroll in the green, inhale the fresh air and get refreshed. In order to develop better focus, you may start practicing meditation (or Yoga). Take food at proper timings.
  • Do not indulge in comparison:Do not compare yourself with a friend who performs better academically. Rest assured that you can also shine in your chosen field of study.
  • Don’t worry: Have strong faith and belief in your hard work and start writing the answers. Don’t panic feeling that the question paper is rather tough. Remember all questions have only been taken for your text book. Also, your teacher has helped you to mark them as important and help you study the same. There is no need to panic if some questions are outside this range.
  • Answer whatever you have read well– Even if the questions appear difficult, don’t build tension. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This will help reduce the mental tension and refresh you. Then, start answering the question which you feel you can answer well. This build-up in confidence will enable you recall some answers which did not come to mind earlier and help you answer many of the other questions in the paper. This will definitely pep you up!
  • Don’t make any assessment: Do not reflect about the examinations already written!  Do not indulge in thoughts such as ‘Is this the right answer for this question?’ while discussing with your friend or ‘What did we answer for this question?’ or ‘How many marks will I get?’This tendency will be of no help except to build further tension.
  • What next? Keep aside thoughts about the examinations already written. Start thinking about the next step of activity to be taken up. Preparing for the examination, engaging friends in delightful conversation, and watching comedy programmes are some activites which will help you relax and entertaining. Even if the results bring in the unexpected, build the confidence that you will encounter this new challenge and win.

When applying all the aspects mentioned above, it is certain that students will score high success and enable score high marks without any mental stress.


Hence keep in mind all the above aspects and follow them – Best of Luck for every one

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