Sunil Udupa speaks out about poor ATM security in India

download (4)Sunil Udupa, CMD of Securens Systems Pvt Ltd, the man who introduced automated teller machine (ATM) to India has an important opinion on the ATM security in the country.
According to him, India is stuck up in the past in terms of ATM security. He states that the security levels have reached their 5th generation, but over 90% of the country’s ATM outlets (over 1.50 lakh) are still depending on security guards rather than the contemporary ways of security. “Using mere security guards is totally unreliable and ineffective”, he cautioned.
“The mistake lies in not letting the burglar know that his theft action is being detected. That builds his guts to overpower the security and continue robbing. He also added that the first 4 generations of security systems are being employed at varied ATM outlets across the globe. These include the use of sirens, alarm panels with phone call options, sensors, monitoring system, etc. The latest generation – the 5th one contains all the above security systems integrated in a single system.

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