Surveyor post vacant for the last 2 months in Arcot city administration!

The post of surveyor has been lying vacant for the last 2 months in Aroct City Administration.

Public have to approach the city administration office to apply for purchase of houses/shops. Once the details are checked, the surveyor has to make a map. Surveyors are posted in the city administration and Taluk Administration office.

Surveyors check the details such as change of Patta, occupation of the space through aggression, and issues such as erection of statues of political leaders without permission.

The surveyor who was working in Arcot city administration was transferred to some other place 2 months ago. The post has been lying vacant since then.

This has put the public who have applied for clearance to great hardships.

The public have now demanded that the post of surveyor should be filled up immediately.

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