1. Apply castor oil on the eyelids before sleeping everyday. Thus, by following this two months, eyelids will grow longer.
2. Use eyelids comb well, it also makes eyelids grow longer. Comb dipped in the vitamin E oil. If not available, Vitamin E pills to powder, mixed with oil and then apply it as a paste. The eyes do not get any erosion. If this could also spill everyday, eyelids grow well.
3. Castor oil / vitamin oil / Vaseline can be used. It will provide a great benefit. Vaseline rub on the eyelids to bed at night, in the morning and wash with warm water. If you forget to wash it will be viscosity around your eyes.
4. A healthy diet rich in protein should be fed, the most beautiful, wonderful eyelids can be achieved. Our body, in the skin, hair, nails, and even for eyelids should eat protein every day. Fish, legumes, nuts and protein-rich foods in the daily diet should include.
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