UNICEF Decision to make 1 Crore People Aware daily on the World Hand Washing Day

15th October is being observed as the World Hand Washing Day across the world. On this occasion, UNIICEF has decided to create awareness among 1 Crore families everyday about the importance of washing hands clean from 15th October till 14th November.


In order to make the people aware about the practice to wash hands and keep them clean as an impotent step to prevent diseases such pneumonia, diarrhea, etc which are responsible for deaths of children, ‘World Hand Washing Day’ is being observed across the world from the year 2008.

As per the information released by UN during the year 2013, around 3.8 lakh children die due to diseases caused by impure water and polluted environment.

The president of UNCEF for Tamil Nadu & Kerala, Mr. Joy Zacharias informed that by washing hands with soap instead of only water can prevent many diseases. However, most people do not  give serious thought to this as they regard it as a simple general matter.

There are 12 Crore students in Tamil Nadu studying from 1st Standard to 8th Standard.

UNICEF has written letters to the government and private sector schools about its programme to create awareness among the students on this issue

He also informed that UNICEF will stress on this awareness to all doctors in India through Indian Medical Association.


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