Wonderful activated undertaken by the brain!

brainn1Though there have been wonderful & miraculous inventions have been made, nothing of this sort can equal the energy & power of the human brain!

Dr. Kamali Sripal has explained the wonderful activities of the human brain:

With the technological evolution, super-machinery, super-fast computers solving problems at high speed, and equipment in NASA which can explore the universe have been developed.

We have reached a stage in the technology revolution to be able to watch the happenings in remote corners of the world or even outside.

However, there is still one thing that is far more powerful – yes! This is our human brain! Nothing can match its speed of functioning. Brain weighs only 1200 to 1350 grams! However, it contains 100 billion nerve cells!

Human brain is definitely one of the supreme wonders in the world. When the brain is in a relaxed mood without any tense or busy activities, it is ready to invent new things!

Do you feel tired? If excessive brain work has tired you, please relax for some time!

Take a good healthy bath. This will refresh you and a new lot of ideas may occur to do the current job/activity! This is a research-established fact!

ü  Mental tension contracts the brain and this shrunk brain can cause a variety of harms to the body.

ü  Multi-tasking or handling many tasks at the same time may be a heavier load on the brain. Tackling or handling one task at a time can help achieve even more!

ü  A small nap, or may be closing the eyes and spending 10 minutes in peace, can enhance the brain’s functioning efficiency/ability!

ü  Hypo compass is the location where the brain registers its memory. When the brain starts registering at a very high speed, it tends to omit a few things in the process. A 10-12 minute short nap can enhance the brain memory power!

ü   Brain increases the reading efficiency after a short break. You can undertake a self-analysis to find out when the brain functions at its best! Some persons are very active during the mornings. They tend to sleep rather early at 9.00 PM itself! Some other persons undertake reading & writing exercises only after 8.00 PM and keep awake till very late in the night. They would not get up until 8.00 Am in the morning!

From 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM

In a general sense, brain’s most efficient period is between 9.00 AM &11.00 Am which will help to do the day’s chores in an organised & successful way. During this period, a small quantity of stress cortisol is present in the brain. Whether it is reading or doing a task, the brain, as trained by your habits, can help you concentrate on the task on hand!

From 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM

Sleep hormones would have very much reduced in the body. Hence, the brain is ready to tackle more challenging tasks as per a German research.

From 3.00 PM to 6.00 PM

The brain is a little tired during this period. Hence, it is better to indulge in activities demanding less mental involvement like physical exercises r sports.

From 6.00 PM to 8.00 PM

During this period also, the brain remains not so tired! So, it is better to spend this perion on your personal interests or with your family!

From 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM

Generally, the body & brain both tend to tire in this period. It is ideal to spend time listening to music or light reading.

After 10.00 PM

The brain tends to compile all the events of the day and registers them during your sleep! Sleeping for 7 to 9 hours gets the body & brain ready for the next day’s tasks! In fact, there are plenty of reasons why & how a person evolves and keeps good health!

Some of the reasons may be genes, the nutrition given during childhood, vaccinations, attacks by some diseases, and school during childhood.

There are people who get up early in the morning and go to bed by 10.00 PM. There are others who remain awake till very late in the night and subsequently get up very late the next morning.  These habits are formed depending on the control of hormones. However, special researches have established it is best for India to get up early in the morning!

Getting up!

4.00 AM – excellent for health

5.00 AM – good

6.00 AM – OK!

7.00 AM – idler!

8.00 AM – Lazy-bones!

9.00 AM – you are a patient (sick)!

It is not worth mentioning about people who get up after 9.00 AM. Please note that all above observations are not applicable to the people who work in night shifts!

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