South Vellore Police Station: current premises to be demolished & new one built!

Vellore_South_Police_StationVellore South Police Station,. Now located in Anna Salai, Vellore is set to be demolished. A new building will be constructed in the place.

The police station was shifted to a new location yesterday (20th January). It is now located in the Police residential complex near Vellore St. Mary’s School.

As the new premises has only 3 rooms, there  is a severe shortage of space to accommodate the furniture which are now kept outside.

2 sections – Law & Order and Crime – are set to function in this new location. Police are hard-put to know/arrange things & offices of the officials.The construction of the new building may take up to 6 months.

As such, Police are raising question whether they have to undergo this hardship till that time!

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