Applications invited for pension scheme of Rs. 3000/- per month for sports-persons from Tamil Nadu who excelled in their chosen fields!

Applications are invited from senior sports-persons who excelled in their field of sports and now living under poor conditions for a financial monthly pension scheme of Rs. 3000/- per month.

Priority would be given to sports-persons who got the 1st & 2nd positions in national & international events.

Only the sports-persons who excelled in sports during their younger days would be considered.

Sportsperson who won and excelled in contests for old age groups will not ne considered.

Applicant should have completed 58 years of age as on 1st April, 2014.

Monthly income should not exceed Rs. 6000/-.

Those who are already getting pension from Central Government Scheme or State Government Scheme will not be eligible.

Tamil Nadu Sports Development Board has the rights to reject or dismiss applications at any stage.

Application forms can be obtained at Rs. 10/- at the district office of the Sports & Youth Welfare.

Fully completed applications should be sent to the above office before 31st January.

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