Georgia (USA) University Research Tam’s warning to ‘Selfie’ Addicts

f0c664f0-d1c3-4f5c-b477-14164c932f9bIn recent times, there has been an increasing trend of taking ‘selfies’ on any & every occasion and indeed, there are very many ‘selfie’ addicts across the world.





There is shocking news for the selfie addicts who make it a frequent affair to take selfies and posting them on social network sites from a recent research report.


Here is a brief from research report from a technology research team from the University of Georgia (USA):


Based on the research, it is found that persons who frequently take selfies and post them on social networking sites are likely to be facing all things with a superficial attitude – not believing in real ability and going by the outward show. They would not be interested in team-work & cooperative efforts and also unlikely to have any self-control.


It seems that Human Welfare Development specialists take little time to adjudge the people from the type of selfies they take. Human Behaviour research specialists indicate that especially during man-power or new employee recruitment, it is rather easier to judge the aptitude and nature of the job-seeker from their selfies in the social networking sites such as FaceBook & Twitter.


Further, if an employee uses hi office duty period to upload selfies, it really creates a strong negative and suspicious impression for the employee’s superiors.

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