Job Opportunity for Candidates with ITI (Nursing) at Kalpakkam Atomic Power Station Hospital

jobopportunityApplications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for filling up the vacancies in the general hospital functioning under the control of Kalpakkam Atomic Power Station authorities.



Advertisement No.: GSO/04/2015)

Post: Scientific Officer/C(Medical) (Category-I)

Vacaqncies: 03

Monthly salary: Rs. 15,600/- to  -Rs. 39,100/-.

Age limit: candidates should be below 35 years of age

Qualifications: Candidates should have completed MBBS and have 1 year experience

Post: Nurse A (Category-II)

Vacancies: 04

Monthly Salary: Rs. 9,300/- to Rs.  34,800/-

Age limit: Candidates should be under 30 years of age

Qualifications: Candidates should have completed +2 and completed the 3-year Diploma course in Nursing and Mid-wifery or should have completed B. Sc. (Nursing).

Post: Scientific Assistant/C (Category-III) (Mechanical)

Vacancies: 01

Monthly Salary: Rs. 9,300/- to Rs. 34,800/-

Age Limit: Candidates should be below 30 years of age.

Qualification: Candidate should have completed 3-year Diploma Course and experience of 4 years. Candidates must possess Driving Licence for Light Commercial Vehicles.

Post:  Scientific Assistant+/B (Category-IV) (Refractionist)

Vacancies: 03

Qualifications: Candidates should be a graduate with B,Sc. Optometry.

Post: Technician/B

Vacancies: 10


  1. Carpenter – 01
  2. Mason – 02
  3. Plumber – 02
  4. Electronics – 01
  5. Air Conditioner Mechanic – 01
  6. Laboratory Technician – 02
  7. Radiograph – 01

Monthly Salary: Rs. 5,200/- to Rs. 20,200/-.

Age Limit: Candidates must be below 25 years of age.

Qualifications: Candidates should have passed 10th Standard with a minimum of 60%. Candidates should have completed 1-year ITI trade course in the relevant department.

Last Date for completed applications to be sent: 30th November, 2015.

Postal Address for sending the applications:

Administrative Officer-III, Department of Atomic Energy, General Services Organisation, Kalpakkam, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu-603102.

For further information such as applying procedure, selection procedure , age limit concession, etc., visit website:

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