Support for PM’s ‘Digital India’ plan: FaceBook profile presented in Indian Flag tricolours

mm_0Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the popular social networking site FaceBook, has reflected his support for Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s ‘Digital India’ plan by changing the FaceBook profile picture in Indian Flag tricolours.


Many Netizens in India are also changing their profile colours. ‘Digital India’ plan envisages linking of all villages in India through internet. Once the announcement was made that those who wish to express their support for Digital India plan can change their FaceBook profile in Indian Flag Tricolours, there has been huge immediate response!

From the very next moment after the announcement, all Netizens registered in the FaceBook have changed their profile pictures to reflect Indian Flag Tricolours.

Having registered his support for the Digital India plan, FaceBook founder Mr. Mark Zuckerberg has changed his profile picture to reflect Indian Flag Tricolours. Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has thanked Mr. Zuckerberg for his positive response.

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