There are around 283 Tasmac liquor shops in Vellore district.They sell liquor worth Rs. 2 Crores on the average every day.
Thus, the average annual sales is around Rs. 700 Crores to Rs. 725 Crores.
It is also to be noted that the sales go up during special days such as holidays & festivals.
On the day of 31st December, 2014, 7,925 crates of liquor and 3,900 beer bottles were sold. This is worth Rs. 3,80 Crores.
The annual sales for the year 2013 were Rs. 800 Crores.
For the year 2014, from 1st January till 31st December, 22 Lakhs of liquor crates and beer have been sold. This is worth Rs. 1,050 Crores.
So, as compared with the previous year the sale of liquor went up by Rs. 250 Crores!
On the New Year Day, 7,300 crates of liquor, and 3000 beer bottles worth Rs. 4 Crores were sold in Vellore district.
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